
This Simple Management Habit can Deliver Substantial Benefits

Construction manager with employees

This Simple Management Habit can Deliver Substantial Benefits

The Story

You don’t know what you just did! the site superintendent exclaimed as we stepped into the field office after walking the construction site. I was caught off guard for a second, my mind had already moved on to the list of items we needed to review. “When you spoke to Danny a few minutes ago, you made his week!”

“We just chatted about football” I replied, “he’s a Cowboys fan and he loves his team, I didn’t think anything of it”.

“It means so much to the crew for someone from the office to take the time to speak to them.  Most execs don’t spend time with the field managers, much less with the hourly employees. These guys want to feel connected. The fact that you spend a few minutes talking to the crew sure makes my job easier. You have no idea what a positive impression that leaves!”

What I Learned

I never forgot that conversation. What seemed insignificant to me was a big, big deal to the employee, and had an enormous impact on the employee’s view of the company and management.

As a mid-manager in charge of multiple construction projects, I routinely traveled to remote project sites for various meetings. Traveling to job sites I made it a habit to spend time with our employees stationed on these projects. But until then I didn’t fully realize how much I could impact employees’ attitudes and outlook by simply spending a few minutes with each of them. Driving back to the office late that afternoon, I reflected on those discussions.

I decided to allocate additional time to connect with employees that reported to me as well as employees that reported to my direct reports.

Call it common courtesy, management by walking around, or strategic communication…the benefits to the organization and to the leader-manager are numerous, and are closely connected to many aspects of corporate objectives, especially as it relates to human resources and new initiatives.


Start increasing time with employees. It’s a matter of time allocation and discipline to connect. To be successful it needs to be a conscience and dedicated effort which means small changes in work habits and time budgeting.


Stop letting your calendar become crowded with less important activities to a point where it doesn’t allow time to keep in touch with employees and co-workers. Actively plan to spend more time in Covey’s quadrant II on relationship building.


    • Creates an opportunity for employees to see you as a person.
    • Reduces barriers to communication, makes it easier for employees to ask questions and voice concerns.
    • Allows you to clarify unclear communications or dispel rumors.
    • Provides an opportunity to share updates on upcoming projects, company initiatives, changes, etc.
    • Gives you as a leader-manager an opportunity to stay in touch with the morale and attitude of the workforce.
    • Promotes sharing of best practices and identifies new ideas.
    • Provides an opportunity to promote corporate culture.
    • Can provide insight into where training or education is needed.

Tips for successful implementation:

    • Discussions must be sincere and not forced.
    • Don’t act as if you are pressed for time (although you probably are).
    • Spend time with everyone-don’t leave anyone out.
    • Make an effort to remember details and create notes if necessary, this will go a long way toward building rapport if you can bring up details about hobbies, children, interests, etc. but only if you get it right (is she a Giants or a Jets fan?).
    • Be brief and respectful of people’s time.

Wrap Up

Several years later I was fortunate to receive the “Most Respected” award for our office. This award was determined by a common vote of everyone in the office, from the hourly workforce to the senior managers. When I left the company years later, I tossed out most of the awards and certificates I collected over my years with the company but held on to the two “Most Respected” awards. Spending additional time with employees will not change your work life, but it is a simple way to increase your effectiveness, get everyone pulling in the same direction, and make your company a better place to work.

John Flanagan
[email protected]